Here sits a little island in the middle of the ocean.
This place is all yours. It just needs a name!
There are 37 souls awake on the island of UUSI KOTI.
The newest tenant arrived on SEPTEMBER 9th, 2024.
We are a kheraumic soulbond system. This essentially means that we acknowledge our plurality stemmed from trauma and choose to view it as a metaphysical experience as well.
We support all forms of plurality, including endogenic, created, spiritual, etc. Sysmeds will be blocked.
Our alterhumanity is not just a belief system—it is a permanent part of who we are and how we experience reality. Antikin will be blocked.
In addition, please do not call us kinnies.
We are radical inclusionists. We fully support all good-faith identities, including mspec lesbians and gays, lesboys and gaygirls, MOGAI genders and orientations, neopronouns, etc. Exclusionists will be blocked.
We ourselves are queer and openly reclaim it. Those who are uncomfortable being called queer will be respected.
TERFs, radfems, and any others of their ilk are not allowed anywhere near us.
We acknowledge that transmascs are affected by radfem ideology, as well as the existence of transmisandry. (Some very good articles on the subject: #1. #2. #3. #4.)
We acknowledge that the terms femme and butch are not lesbian-exclusive and have been used by all kinds of queer people since the 1970s.
It is not our business what people do in their own private spaces. However, we may not interact based on personal comfort and triggers.
We do not condone harassment or dogpiling, nor do we want to participate in discourse of any kind. Do not interact with us if you encourage drama.
We will not interact with people who use the DSM as a gatekeeping tool.
In addition, we fully support self-diagnosis.
We do not support the ridicule or demonization of those with stigmatized disorders. (i.e. "narc abuse")
We treat all alterhuman identities as equal. We do not see fictives as more "valid" than fictionkin. We do not care if someone's identity is "problematic", nor do we support calling them "cringey" or "cursed."
We support all forms of body modification, regardless of how "extreme" it seems. We refuse to pass judgement on how other people navigate their bodies, nor is it our place to do so.
It is not anyone's place to pass judgement on whether or not someone else "deserves" accommodations or aids.
Above all else, bodily autonomy is more important than outsider discomfort.
We will not follow those who require us to interact before unfollowing or blocking.
Any opinions we hold and want publicly stated will be listed here. Any asks demanding our opinion on unlisted issues will be deleted.
The main fronters.
SoulBonds connected to Spierce.
SoulBonds from Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
SoulBonds from Diabolik Lovers.
SoulBonds from Magi: the Labyrinth of Magic.
‼️ NOTE: This is not all of them! Most are in dormancy.
SoulBonds from Project Moon works.
SoulBonds from the DanganRonpa series.
SoulBonds from Ensemble Stars.
Spierce's Mirror Identities. [?]
Fictives not falling under any other category.
Divine doctrine, followed to the letter...!
NAME: Vergil, Teirhu, 'kin names.
AGE: 24 years old.
GENDER: Androgynous. Recorstatic. [He/Him, Hy/Hymn/Hys, Mie/Mir/Mirs]
PLURALITY: Soulbonder.
OTHERNESS: Fictionkind, Fenikaen.
The body of the system, as well as the default fronter. Possibly median; unsure. Current focused identity is Teru Mikami.

At the mercy of the moon, I move my trembling hand to picture— Yes—my downright ideals!
NAME: Spierce or Svetka!
AGE: 400+ years old!
GENDER: Girlboy, Futch Twink! [She / He / 🥀]
PLURALITY: Soulbond(er), Co-Host!
OTHERNESS: Multicanon universe hopper!
I'm a co-host!! I'm currently focused on the time I spent in the Ensemble Stars universe. I had a unit called Terminus Nacht!
At the mercy of the gods, my amiability seems insecure. With my previous life unknown, I'm singing of my brilliant ideals!
NAME: Charlie!
AGE: Technically ageless, I think!
GENDER: Hmmm. Get back to me on that! [He]
PLURALITY: Spierce's other half!
OTHERNESS: I'm just a silly little guy. :3
Hiya! I'd say I'm Spierce's worse half, but I don't think she'd like that very much. I'm here to make sure she has a good time! :)

I only ever wanted to do the right thing, no matter how it made people judge me.
NAME: Judal / Vriska
AGE: 20smth i don't fuckin kno it's been 9 years
GENDER: Formarenec [He/Him]
PLURALITY: Soulbound to Vergil, multifictive
OTHERNESS: Fictionkind
Vergil's first soulbond babey!!! Primarily Judal from Magi but who give a shit. I'm also Vriska. ::::)

Perhaps you require a demonstration of what I am capable of! Please, allow me to show you!
NAME: jan Ipala!
AGE: Indeterminate adult!
GENDER: I will figure it out later! [He/They]
PLURALITY: Soulbound to Spierce!
OTHERNESS: Polymorph!
I am a polymorph taking on the form of Ibara Saegusa from Ensemble Stars! My memories are brief and lacking!

My aspirations don't include surpassing you, however. That may happen if it must.
NAME: Spierce Demian.
AGE: 400+ years old.
GENDER: Some nature of girlboy. [She/He]
PLURALITY: One of Spierce's Mirror Identities.
OTHERNESS: Shapeshifter, Universe Hopper.
A Mirror Identity from what would formerly be the World of NCorp, replacing Demian. Pleased to meet you.

To martyr myself, or to continue living as a one-eyed disgrace... Decisions, decisions...
NAME: Sixtine Soleil.
AGE: 23 years old.
GENDER: Dollgirl, some manner of beast. + [She/He]
PLURALITY: One of Spierce's Mirror Identities.
OTHERNESS: Trash, God, Doll, and Human, in that order.
Shinkai orphan, Valkyrie Doll, one half of Double Face... I really do get around, don't I? I love to chat! ♡
You've gotta see someone at their worst to actually know who they are. Everything else is just bullshit.
NAME: Dito. :)
AGE: 24 years old.
GENDER: Uhhhhhhh. Egogender and gross gore shit. [He/him, Di/Dit/Dito's]
PLURALITY: Soulbound to Spierce. :)
OTHERNESS: Former disciple, if that matters.
From Drakengard 3 or whatever.
End this ridiculous killing game, survive, and get the hell out of this place! And then... be friends after you escape, okay?
NAME: Kaede Akamatsu!
AGE: 20 years old!
GENDER: Girl, I think...? [She/Her]
PLURALITY: Soulbound to Spierce!
OTHERNESS: None that I'm aware of!
I'm from a universe that was designed for everyone to survive, but I also willingly took on memories of Spierce's original 53!
Even if the world has ended and humanity has gone extinct, I can't give up! It'd be a crappy story if the hero gave up so easily!
NAME: Kaito Momota!
AGE: 22 years old!
GENDER: Guy! [He/Him]
PLURALITY: Soulbound to Spierce!
OTHERNESS: I'm just a human guy!
I'm from a universe where everyone lived, but I remember Spierce's 53, too! Luminary of the Stars, at your service!
Do you have any idea how dangerous it is to assume that everyone sees the world through your eyes?
NAME: Byakuya Togami.
AGE: 26 years old.
GENDER: Male. [He/Him]
PLURALITY: Soulbound to Vergil.
OTHERNESS: None that I'm aware of.
After Chihiro survived Mondo's assault, I guided him towards strength myself, his survival resulting in a sharp decrease in deaths and trials. Us twelve survivors thus all became members of the Future Foundation.

If you're supposed to help people, you should know a lot about how they live, and that means doing what they do!
NAME: Maguro Mikejima!
AGE: 18 years old!
GENDER: Girlthing! [She/🔶]
PLURALITY: Mirror Identity!
I'm Madara's cute sister! If you're mean to him or me, I'll bite your arm and shake it around until it falls off!

After all of my agonizing and being terrified and stumbling and making mistakes, I still want to keep going.
NAME: Yūho Sujaku.
AGE: 21 years old.
GENDER: Boy...? [He/She?]
PLURALITY: Mirror Identity.
OTHERNESS: I just sort of appeared one day.
Eichi passed sometime after Ensemble Square's creation, and I was his chosen replacement. I... do my best with what I have.

Giant-killing just sends a shiver down my spine, 'cause I'm convinced I'll be taken down next.
NAME: Madara Mikejima! Goin by Masa.
AGE: 22 years old!
GENDER: Ah, I'll figure it out. [HE]
PLURALITY: Mirror Identity!
OTHERNESS: Don't worry about that one, yeah?
It sounds like I'm some sort of Spierced Madara! I do whatever I can, whenever I can, so you can always rely on me! ☆

It's an interesting form of cruelty! For people who
love pain, to accept them so openly...
NAME: Franz Kromer!
AGE: 22 years old!
GENDER: Transfem and Bigender! [She/He]
PLURALITY: Soulbound to Spierce!
OTHERNESS: Does having Distorted count?
I am Franz Kromer of Limbus Company! I am in a quite loving polycule with Spierce, Sinclair, and Demian!
All I have ever desired is to be surrounded once more by those whom guided me so kindly in my past.
NAME: Yi Sang.
AGE: 23 years old.
GENDER: That which is perceived. [Any]
PLURALITY: Soulbound to Spierce.
OTHERNESS: None that I am aware.
Yi Sang is the name by which I am referred. Lightened is my heart by companionship in my present.

Compassion is a privilege for those strong enough to bear the weight of what it might bring.
NAME: Ava Rinks.
AGE: 24 years old.
GENDER: AMAB Agender. [Ie/Ir/Irs]
PLURALITY: Soulbound to Spierce.
OTHERNESS: None that I'm aware of.
OC Soulbond who's been around for a couple months, despite having existed as an OC for years. I don't talk much.

Congenitally I was a person who was to be disappointed in love, a weak creature molded by circumstances.
NAME: Shizuka Kanai (or Ogai Mori).
AGE: 40 years old.
GENDER: Male, supposedly. [He/It]
PLURALITY: Soulbound to Spierce.
OTHERNESS: Some feeling of nonhumanity.
Supposedly from BSD, yet I continue to doubt my canonicity. I am simply a doctor—nothing more, nothing less.

Whoever this is, they want you to be angry, and they want your hand to be visible as you strike.
NAME: Spierce Yagami, or The Eye.
AGE: 21 years old.
GENDER: Boy, girl, something... [She/He]
PLURALITY: A Mirror of Spierce's.
OTHERNESS: Born with Shinigami Eyes.
I'm the second half of KI/RA—specifically, the Eye of RA. I kept Light from killing any innocents, including Ryuzaki.

I don't know what kind of future awaits us...but our futures are ours! I won't let anyone take them!
NAME: Hajime Hinata.
AGE: 20 years old.
GENDER: Male. [He/Him]
PLURALITY: I think I just stumbled in here...?
I'm not really sure about how canon-compliant I am, but I don't think Chiaki was one of our classmates originally...?
Ah, please, don't worry about me. You're still new to living outside of Sasan, aren't you? I will guide you.
NAME: Hakuryuu Ren.
AGE: 27 years old.
GENDER: Agender. [He/They]
PLURALITY: Soulbound to Vergil.
OTHERNESS: Fictionkind, Fenikaen.
I've been soulbound to Vergil since roughly 2014. Incredibly canon-divergent, having escaped to this world with many others after our world was destroyed by David and Arba.
Ohhh, you're that little guy Hakuryuu recruited! He really knows how to pick strong ones, huh?
NAME: Kouha Ren!
AGE: 28 years old!
GENDER: I like confusing people. :) [He/Him]
PLURALITY: Soulbound to Vergil! <3
OTHERNESS: King Vessel!
I've been here a looooong time! I was asleep for a while, though, so don't worry about that, 'kay? Pretty canon-divergent, too!
You think that you will find strength in your hatred, but that isn't right at all. You must live for peace.
NAME: Morgiana.
AGE: 26 years old.
GENDER: I am a girl. [She/Her]
PLURALITY: Soulbound to Vergil.
OTHERNESS: I am a Fanalis, not a human.
I arrived here alongside the other SoulBonds from Magi. I spent a long time being very quiet, but I am trying to speak more.
You told me not to forgo laughing. So I laughed as hard as I could. Is it helping to conquer your fear?
NAME: Hubert von Vestra.
AGE: 27 years old.
GENDER: Garmotere. [He/Him]
PLURALITY: A daytripper. I appear as I sleep.
OTHERNESS: Of two similar timelines.
I originally found myself making contact with the Initiova System in order to ensure Bernadetta would recover from an illness. Nowadays, I visit as requested.
Aha, yes. Adorable. Anyway, if I had actually known you, I would have accepted the proposal.
NAME: Ferdinand von Aegir!
AGE: 26 years old!
GENDER: Trans man! [He/Him]
PLURALITY: Daytripper! I appear as I sleep.
OTHERNESS: I am also a troll!
I followed Hubert here, out of my own curiosity! I am in a polycule with Hubert and Bernadetta! I enjoy chatting!
Do you understand? Very well. In that case, become mine for all eternity.
NAME: Reiji Sakamaki.
AGE: Immortal. Nearing a century old.
GENDER: Masculine Nonbinary. [He/It/Zie]
PLURALITY: Soulbound to Vergil.
I was sought out, and therefore, I arrived. After all, what kind of hunter would ignore the call of their prey?
So, instead of forgetting about the now, let us string our memories and keep stretching them until they end.
NAME: Laito Sakamaki. <3
AGE: Immortal! Nearing a century old.
GENDER: Femme Man. [He/She]
PLURALITY: Soulbound to Spierce! <3
OTHERNESS: Vampire. :)
It's always fun to appear by surprise, isn't it? <3
What more could you want to know, more than you already do? Even though no love has formed between us.
NAME: Shu Sakamaki.
AGE: Immortal. Nearing a century old.
GENDER: Man-ish. [He/They]
PLURALITY: Soulbound to Vergil.
Roused from my slumber in the middle of a retail shift. Just my luck.

The easiest way for me to say it is that I'm Gonzo. A solid shape, full of shifting thoughts and archetypes, given a name tag...
NAME: Gonzo.
AGE: 23 years old!
GENDER: Transmasculine, Aurvaris.
PLURALITY: Soulbond, maybe...?
OTHERNESS: EGO-affected human.
I'm a fictive of an agent from Lobotomy Corporation. I also have memories from the Library, but I mostly focus on my EGO research.

The City erodes the soul! Any tourist is very likely to be crushed by the weight of the dystopian nightmare that is the City!
NAME: Varia!
AGE: Over 4,000 years old!
GENDER: Agender!
OTHERNESS: I'm a gem!
I am a universe hopper created to replace Lapis's body in Houseki no Kuni! I work in LCorp now, and have memories of the Library!

Don't curse the darkness—light a candle! When freaky aliens give you lemons, make freaky alien lemonade!
NAME: Hades. :)
AGE: Too old for you to know.
GENDER: Too old for me to know.
PLURALITY: I linger around Spierce's mind. :)
OTHERNESS: Being the Lord of the Underworld counts, right?
I'm just here to pester a certain fallen angel.
After wandering the dark alone for so long, I was tired. Desperate. I wanted light. Cold, artificial light.
NAME: Yomiel.
AGE: Somewhere in the undead 30s.
GENDER: Male, probably. [He/Him]
PLURALITY: Soulbound to Spierce.
OTHERNESS: Undead, mostly.
Been here siiiince... 2013ish? I'm pretty quiet, but that doesn't mean I won't chat if someone asks for me. :)
To surrender yourself to someone else is simply better than finding yourself in lonesome wilderness.
NAME: Kikkou Sadamune!
AGE: Adult in mind and form!
GENDER: Whatever is requested of me! [He/It]
PLURALITY: I am bound to the Initiova System!
OTHERNESS: I am a Touken Danshi!
I am pleased to make your acquaintance! While I am still quite new to this world, I will do my very best to adjust!

You're my last chance at being taken seriously. If you don't see me as anything but cute, no one ever will.
NAME: Koume Oukawa.
AGE: Adult.
GENDER: Girlish. [She/He]
PLURALITY: I'm part Spierceish.
OTHERNESS: Wavy hand gesture.
Member of the Oukawa clan. Currently an idol in Valkyrie, previously a rabbit. Pyon pyon.

The ocean is big and wide.
NAME: Yua Shinkai.
AGE: Generations old.
GENDER: Waber. :)
PLURALITY: Anemone...
OTHERNESS: Former god.
And the first Shinkai rose from the sea, dyed in evil... Pleased to make your acquaintance.